DOP Declaration of Performance Colombia

  • DOP Declaration of Performance Colombia
  • DOP Declaration of Performance Colombia
  • DOP Declaration of Performance Colombia
  • What is a 'declaration of performance'?
  • Construction Products Regulation is fast approaching, and as of 1st July 2017, manufacturers’, importers and distributors are required by law to provide a ‘Declaration of Performance (DoP)’ . The DoP is a key part of the Construction Products Regulation. It provides information on the performance of a product.
  • How do I download a DOP (declaration of performance)?
  • Download our DoP by visiting our CPR webpage or simply click the button below: DOWNLOAD HERE THE DOP Construction Products Regulation is fast approaching, and as of 1st July 2017, manufacturers’, importers and distributors are required by law to provide a ‘Declaration of Performance (DoP)’ .
  • Where can I download the CPR declaration of Performance (DoP)?
  • Home / Tratos Quality / CPR for cables – Construction Products Regulation / Declaration of Performance (DoP) From today you can download the DoP from our website. Download our DoP by visiting our CPR webpage or simply click the button below: DOWNLOAD HERE THE DOP
  • What is a DOP & how does it work?
  • The DoP gives the manufacturer the opportunity to deliver the information about the essential characteristics of his product he wants to deliver to the market. The manufacturer shall draw up a Declaration of Performance when a product covered by a harmonised standard (hEN) or a European Technical Assessment (ETA) is placed on the market.
  • What is a DOP in construction?
  • A DoP is a legal responsibility for the conformity of the construction product with its declared performance. In its standard format a DoP must include: The DoP must be published on the website for 10 years after the product was sold. Tratos has made their DoPs publicly available upon request through our website.
  • Can I dowload a declaration of performance?
  • You can dowload our templates in order to draw up a correct Declaration of Performance. Templates are available in all EU languagues, accompanied with english comments and tips. This article can be a game changer for many people. Harmonised standards are so often referred to as documents with requirements to be fulfilled.

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