best price DOP 250 DUAL-Desmi-PDF Catalogs Guatemala

  • best price DOP 250 DUAL-Desmi-PDF Catalogs Guatemala
  • best price DOP 250 DUAL-Desmi-PDF Catalogs Guatemala
  • best price DOP 250 DUAL-Desmi-PDF Catalogs Guatemala
  • What is a dop-250 dual skimmer?
  • The DOP-250 DUAL is available with a variety of systems to make the most of the pumps’ capabilities. When fitted in the TERMINATOR skimmer it can be easily dismantled and converted for ofloading applica- tions. The DOP-250 DUAL features a single piece cast pump casing and stainless steel wear plates to pro- tect the plate wheel cover.
  • What is a Desmi cargo pump?
  • CARGO The NDW Cargo pumps from DESMI are energy efficient and well-proven for pumping various media – from LPG and LEG over a wide range of chemicals to CO2. DESMI Cargo pumps consist of three main components: base arrangement, pipe and pump cylinder.
  • What does Desmi do?
  • DESMI co-operates with many companies across the European maritime industry to develop CO2, SOx and NOx reduction strategies. DESMI’s dedication to constantly improve our existing programme and also develop new concepts, has... Engine Room Pumps Our pumps comply with requirements of all classification societies.

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