best price DOPING EDUCATION STATUS Indonesia

  • best price DOPING EDUCATION STATUS Indonesia
  • best price DOPING EDUCATION STATUS Indonesia
  • best price DOPING EDUCATION STATUS Indonesia
  • Is Indonesia free from sanctions from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)?
  • ANTARA/Muhammad Ramdan/am. Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) stated that Indonesia is currently already free from the risk of sanctions from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) after having met all requirements for corrective action.
  • When is the National Anti-Doping seminar in Jakarta 2022?
  • Source: IADO. Jakarta, November 30th, 2022 On the morning of November 30 th, 2022, the Minister of Youth and Sports Prof. Dr. Zainudin Amali, SE, M.Si confirmed to officially open the National Anti-Doping Seminar at the Ballroom of the Sultan Hotel of Jakarta.
  • What is the anti-doping education and learning platform?
  • To support and complement the efforts of ADOs with a responsibility for education, WADA has created the Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform (ADEL). ADEL is a comprehensive learning platform that hosts webinars, online courses, guides, checklists, factsheets and other resources for anti-doping education.
  • Why is education important in anti-doping?
  • Education is a core component of any anti-doping program. The introduction to the 2021 Code includes education in the prevention of intentional and unintentional doping, along with deterrence, detection, enforcement and the rule of law. The first International Standard for Education (ISE) came into force on 1 January 2021.

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