best price Dopt Guidelines for Promotion

  • best price Dopt Guidelines for Promotion
  • best price Dopt Guidelines for Promotion
  • best price Dopt Guidelines for Promotion
  • Does ad OC appointment/promotion require approval of DoPT?
  • g the ad- oc appointment/promotion beyond one year, the approval of DoPT would be4required. Reference to DoPT in this regard may be made alongwith proper justification and detailed information as per the prescribed proforma circulated vide OM No. 28036/3/97-Estt.(D) dated
  • Is there a proposal to revise minimum qualiffing service required for promotion?
  • Instructions revising the minimum qualiffing service required for promotion, as per 7th CPC Pay Matrix/ Pay Levels, have not been issued so far and proposals for framing/ amendment of RRs/ Service Rules are still being considered, based on the requirements prescribed in 0M dated 24.3.2009.
  • How does DoPT review a proposal?
  • The DoPT would examine the proposal based on the various parameters of cadre review and obtain the approval of Secretary (P) on its observations/recommendations and then refer it to DoE for approval of Secretary (Expenditure). (iv) The Note would then be placed before the CRC by DoPT.
  • What if DPC idered for a notional promotion?
  • idered for notional promotion from the date of promotion of his immediate junior on the recommendation of a review DPC would also be entitled to fixation of pension on the basis of such notional pay.(iv)The notional promotion, notional pay fixation and revision of pension shall be fur her subject to extant rul s
  • Who will be promoted if a DPC imposes a penalty?
  • Seniority of officers who have been recommended for promotion by a DPC during the currency of a penalty.An officer who has been recommended for promotion by a DPC despite imposition of a minor penalty on him/her, will be promoted on the basis of the recommendation of the said DPC, only afte
  • When should a review DPC be held?
  • ch cas s, a review DPC should be held keeping in mind the total vacancies of the year.2.4.3. For the [-purpose of evaluating the merit of the officers while preparing Yiearwise panels, the scrutiny of the record of service of the· officers should be limited

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