dbp in English-Danish-English Dictionary

  • dbp in English-Danish-English Dictionary
  • dbp in English-Danish-English Dictionary
  • dbp in English-Danish-English Dictionary
  • What does D/DBP stand for in the regulation?
  • The Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproduct Rule (D/DBP) is a regulation that became effective last December. Given its complexity, many water systems in the United States have asked for advice on how to meet its enhanced coagulation section. Once the U.S. EPAs D/DBP Rule became a fact of life last December...
  • What is a good dictionary for English & Danish?
  • • Engelsk-Dansk ordbog: Danish-English dictionary by Svend Rosing (1887) • Dictionary of the English and Danish languages, adapted to the use of schools and learners of both languages, by Cecil Hornbeck (1863) • Danish > English • Dansk-Engelske ordbog: Danish-English dictionary by William Mariboe (1861)
  • How do I find a Danish-English translation?
  • Find the right translations in the Danish-English dictionary by entering a word in the search field. You can enter both Danish and English words for translation. Use the search filters to hide irrelevant Danish-English translation results. You can narrow down your search by using the filter settings for region, style, grammar etc.
  • What is a good dictionary for Dano-Norwegian language?
  • • Dansk-norsk–engelsk ordbog, Dictionary of the Dano-Norwegian and English languages, by Anton Larsen (1897) • Dansk-norsk–svensk ordbok: Danish-Norwegian–Swedish dictionary by Ida Natanael Beckman (1907) • Svensk–dansk-norsk ordbog: Swedish–Danish-Norwegian dictionary by Ida Falbe-Hansen (1912)
  • What is password English-Danish learner's Dictionary?
  • PASSWORD English–Danish Learner's Dictionary © 2014 K DICTIONARIES LTD Based on the semi-bilingual approach to lexicography for foreign language learners developed by Lionel Kernerman. PASSWORD is a registered trademark of Modulo Éditeur and used with its permission. All rights reserved.

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