DINP Plasticizer Gets Booted Out in California South Korea

  • DINP Plasticizer Gets Booted Out in California South Korea
  • DINP Plasticizer Gets Booted Out in California South Korea
  • DINP Plasticizer Gets Booted Out in California South Korea
  • Do plasticizers linger in the air in Southern California?
  • But ultimately, they determined that both types of plasticizers have persisted in the air throughout Southern California. To draw their conclusions, the researchers tracked two groups of UC Riverside undergraduate students, who wore silicone wristbands designed to collect airborne chemical exposure data.
  • Can children's products contain DEHP or DINP?
  • A 2007 California law prohibited the manufacture, processing and distribution of children’s products containing DEHP or DiNP in concentrations exceeding 0.1 percent, as of January 2009. The federal government took similar action on these compounds, through the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008.
  • Does DEHT reduce public exposure to DINP & DEHP?
  • Regardless of DEHT’s effects, the scientists stressed that its promulgation has not done much to decrease the public’s exposure to DiNP or DEHP. Concentrations of all three chemicals, they noted, were similar to those identified in unrelated studies on the East Coast.

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