(DOPE) Deoiling Polyelectrolyte / Deoiling Polyacrylamide Switzerland

  • (DOPE) Deoiling Polyelectrolyte / Deoiling Polyacrylamide Switzerland
  • (DOPE) Deoiling Polyelectrolyte / Deoiling Polyacrylamide Switzerland
  • (DOPE) Deoiling Polyelectrolyte / Deoiling Polyacrylamide Switzerland
  • What is the dosage range of Deoiling polyelectrolyte (Dope)?
  • The dosage range of Deoiling Polyelectrolyte (DOPE) varies from 0.2 - 3.0 ppm depending upon the type of effluent and application. It is always advised to do a jar test for evaluating the functioning and approximate dosage of Deoiling Polyelectrolyte (DOPE) .
  • What is the molecular weight of polyelectrolytes?
  • t of polyelectrolytes is in the order of a few thousand to tens of millions. Polyelectrolytes are considered as low, medium and high molecular weight if their olecular weight happens to be <105, 105–106 and Sulphonate (Anionic)H2CCHRC_OAcrylate (Anionic)O RN + RRCationic ig. 10.2 Random coil configuration of a
  • Can polyelectrolytes be used for complex industrial wastewater?
  • ion of poly-electrolytes can also be used for complex industria wastewater. Polyelectrolytes are having many advantages in water chemistry. It is quite reasonable to believe that the polyelectrolyte ith maximum charge density is used more eficiently in industrial wastewater. However more quantitative study is require
  • Which polyelectrolyte is more resistant to chemical attack?
  • yelectrolytes hav-ing aromatic groups are more resistant to chemical attack. Thermal as well as light e ergy alone or in the presence of oxygen or moisture can cause bond scission. Polyelectrolyte containing –CN, –CO, –C=C–, –OH and –C–Cl may easily be degraded by light or heat, whereas polyelectrolytes with aromatic backbone
  • What happens if polyelectrolytes are overdosed?
  • when half the area is covered with polyelectrolytes (Petzold et al. 2003). As the concentration increases from this level, the degree of flocculation decrea es as the particles may be completely covered by the adsorbed polymer layer. Therefore overdosing may
  • What is a functional group in polyelectrolytes?
  • Functional group is an important part of the structure of polyelectrolytes. Functional roup of polyelectrolytes along with its charge ha been shown in Fig. 10.1. They have charged sites with mobile counter ions. Anionic groups

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