Dopt Guidelines for Promotion India

  • Dopt Guidelines for Promotion India
  • Dopt Guidelines for Promotion India
  • Dopt Guidelines for Promotion India
  • What happens if a DPC recommends an officer for promotion?
  • 2. It is clarified that the officer who has been recommended for promotion by a DPC despite his penalty will be promoted only on the basis of the recommendation of the said DPC after the expiry of the penalty and his seniority would be fixed according to his position in that panel. Rajya Sabha Sectt./Lok Sabha Sectt.
  • How does a Departmental Promotion Committee select a candidate?
  • Hereafter, the Departmental Promotion Committee shall select persons for promotion from each list upto the prescribed quota and arrange all the candidates selected from different lists in a consolidated order of merit which will determine the seniority of the persons on promotion to the higher grade.
  • When a promotion is made based on selection by a DPC?
  • 2.2 Where promotions are made on the basis of selection by a D.P.C., the seniority of such promotees shall be in the order in which they are recommended for such promotion by the Committee.
  • Who will be promoted if a DPC imposes a penalty?
  • Seniority of officers who have been recommended for promotion by a DPC during the currency of a penalty.An officer who has been recommended for promotion by a DPC despite imposition of a minor penalty on him/her, will be promoted on the basis of the recommendation of the said DPC, only afte
  • Is there a proposal to revise minimum qualiffing service required for promotion?
  • Instructions revising the minimum qualiffing service required for promotion, as per 7th CPC Pay Matrix/ Pay Levels, have not been issued so far and proposals for framing/ amendment of RRs/ Service Rules are still being considered, based on the requirements prescribed in 0M dated 24.3.2009.
  • What are the rules on promotion & pay fixation & revision of pension?
  • (iv) The notional promotion, notional pay fixation and revision of pension shall be further subject to extant rules on promotion, pay fixation and CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. Actual increase in pension shall be given only from the date of approval of reviewed panel by the competent authority. No arrears shall be paid.

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