Esbo Manufacturers Exporters Suppliers Traders Companies Switzerland

  • Esbo Manufacturers Exporters Suppliers Traders Companies Switzerland
  • Esbo Manufacturers Exporters Suppliers Traders Companies Switzerland
  • Esbo Manufacturers Exporters Suppliers Traders Companies Switzerland
  • What is Switzerland business listing directory?
  • Switzerland business listing directory is a better way to promote, market and connect with buyers and grow fast. Find the list of suppliers in Switzerland. Get the Information on Product Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Exporters in Switzerland with our suppliers directory.
  • Where can I find a reliable business listing site in Switzerland?
  • Looking for a reliable business listing site in Switzerland?
  • offers a free business listing service for manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, and exporters in Switzerland. Our Switzerland company search directory can help increase your online presence, brand awareness, and connect you with potential customers.
  • What is Switzerland's top export industry?
  • The 250 chemical, pharmaceutical and life sciences company members of scienceindustries contributes 50% of Swiss exports and constitute the country’s top export industry. With exports of CHF 135.5billion and imports of CHF 69.4 billion in 2023, members of our business association earned a trade surplus of CHF 66.1 billion.
  • Is there a free business listing site in Switzerland?
  • Free Switzerland Business Listing Site - Expand Your Reach! Looking for a reliable business listing site in Switzerland?
  • offers a free business listing service for manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, and exporters in Switzerland.
  • What is Switzerland's trade surplus?
  • With exports of CHF 135.5billion and imports of CHF 69.4 billion in 2023, members of our business association earned a trade surplus of CHF 66.1 billion. In 2000, the chemical, pharmaceutical and life sciences industries still accounted for around 30% of Switzerland’s total exports; since 2016, they have contributed at least 45%.
  • What is a Switzerland Company Directory?
  • Switzerland company directory includes the address and contact details - making it easier for customers to find you online. Additionally, we offer services to help you expand into new markets and connect with B2B companies in Switzerland and around the world. ... read more

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