factory price DBP_Bluesail Chemical Group

  • factory price DBP_Bluesail Chemical Group
  • factory price DBP_Bluesail Chemical Group
  • factory price DBP_Bluesail Chemical Group
  • How many economic entities do bluesail chemicals have?
  • Bluesail chemical Bluesail chemicals nowadays have five economic entities: Shandong bluesail chemicals co., ltd, Shandong qilu plasticizers incorporated company, Shandong langhui petrochemicals co., ltd, Shandong shengkun chemicals co., ltd and Shanghai bluesail chemicals co., ltd.
  • What is the price of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) in India?
  • The quarter-ending price for DBP in India was recorded at USD 1705/MT FOB JNPT during March 2024. Europe The recent increase in Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) prices in the European market during the quarter ending March 2024 can be attributed to a combination of moderate demand and a shortage of suppliers.
  • What are Bluesail Chemicals & Medicals?
  • Bluesail Chemicals and Bluesail Medicals are the flagship companies of the Bluesail Group in their respective industries. The fine chemical plate, mainly...
  • Who is bluesail group?
  • Bluesail Group’s subordinate companies Bluesail Chemicals and Bluesail Medicals are all of the flagship of their respective industry. The fine chemical plate, mainly comprised of plasticizers, has been the biggest producer and seller of China for 20 years.
  • Why did dibutyl phthalate (DBP) prices rise?
  • The price trend of Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) remained strong in the European region with some minor fluctuations. With a sudden spike in feed Isobutanol cost caused by shortages in oil supplies, DBP prices rose substantially during H1 of the quarter.
  • What happened to dibutyl phthalate (DBP) prices in the APAC region?
  • The first quarter of 2024 has seen mixed trends for Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) prices in the APAC region. The regional market experienced significant price changes compared to other countries in the region. In India, DBP prices remained stable in February 2024, supported by a balanced demand-supply situation.

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