good stability DotP 2014: Deck Builder: FAQ-RSN Magic

  • good stability DotP 2014: Deck Builder: FAQ-RSN Magic
  • good stability DotP 2014: Deck Builder: FAQ-RSN Magic
  • good stability DotP 2014: Deck Builder: FAQ-RSN Magic
  • What's new in DotP 2014?
  • One of the more anticipated features of this version is Sealed Deck Mode. Released on June 26th on Steam . DotP 2014: Deck Listing - Thanks to NEMESiS for all the information. The modding sections will be modified/added on to as more information becomes available and we start modding. Deck Configurations not saved.
  • How do I build a Magic The Gathering deck?
  • Build your Magic the Gathering deck with Archidekt, a modern visual MTG deck builder. Search for cards, analyze your stats and compare prices, all without leaving the editor! Drag and drop your cards in or add them with our text input mode. Import from Arena, MTGO and any other deck list right into our text deck editor.
  • Can a deck configuration be saved to a player profile?
  • Deck Configurations not saved. All deck configurations must be saved to the player profile, but the profile only allows for saving a finite number of decks (just enough space for all official decks) so any modded deck configurations will be "reset" when the game is closed.
  • Can a modded deck be saved to a player profile?
  • All deck configurations must be saved to the player profile, but the profile only allows for saving a finite number of decks (just enough space for all official decks) so any modded deck configurations will be "reset" when the game is closed. Unable to play online.

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