high performance Declaration DoP and CPR

  • high performance Declaration DoP and CPR
  • high performance Declaration DoP and CPR
  • high performance Declaration DoP and CPR
  • What is a declaration of Performance (DoP)?
  • The Declaration of Performance (DoP) is the key concept in the recent Construction Products Regulation (CPR) 305/2011. The DoP gives the manufacturer the opportunity to deliver the information about the essential characteristics of his product he wants to deliver to the market.
  • Do I need a CPR declaration of Performance (DoP)?
  • As of the 1st July 2017, though theoretically since 10th June 2016, all cables placed on the market with an intended use for permanent installation in buildings and construction works must be accompanied by a CPR Declaration of Performance (DoP), and accompanied by CE marking.
  • What is a 2019 Declaration of Performance (DoP)?
  • 2019 Declaration of Performance (DoP) together with CE marking are elements allowing the manufacturer to place the product on the market of every EU country. However, some limits and exceptions exist. DoP is a document to be drawn up and issued by a manufacturer.
  • When should a manufacturer draw up a declaration of performance?
  • The manufacturer shall draw up a Declaration of Performance when a product covered by a harmonised standard (hEN) or a European Technical Assessment (ETA) is placed on the market. By drawing up this DoP, the manufacturer assumes the responsibility for the conformity of the construction product with the declared performance.
  • What is the format of a declaration of performance?
  • This takes the place of the Declaration of Conformity under the CPD. The format of the Declaration of Performance (see attached) must follow the Model within the Construction Products Regulation Annex III. You need to give this document a unique identifier. This may be alpha, alpha/numeric or numeric.
  • What is a DOP & how does it work?
  • The DoP gives the manufacturer the opportunity to deliver the information about the essential characteristics of his product he wants to deliver to the market. The manufacturer shall draw up a Declaration of Performance when a product covered by a harmonised standard (hEN) or a European Technical Assessment (ETA) is placed on the market.

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