high purity DBP_Bluesail Chemical Group Mexico

  • high purity DBP_Bluesail Chemical Group Mexico
  • high purity DBP_Bluesail Chemical Group Mexico
  • high purity DBP_Bluesail Chemical Group Mexico
  • How many economic entities do bluesail chemicals have?
  • Bluesail chemical Bluesail chemicals nowadays have five economic entities: Shandong bluesail chemicals co., ltd, Shandong qilu plasticizers incorporated company, Shandong langhui petrochemicals co., ltd, Shandong shengkun chemicals co., ltd and Shanghai bluesail chemicals co., ltd.
  • Who is bluesail group?
  • Bluesail Group’s subordinate companies Bluesail Chemicals and Bluesail Medicals are all of the flagship of their respective industry. The fine chemical plate, mainly comprised of plasticizers, has been the biggest producer and seller of China for 20 years.
  • Who founded high-purity standards?
  • High-Purity Standards (HPS) was founded in 1990 by internationally known chemist, Dr. Theodore Rains, after his retirement from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In 2001, Connie Hayes joined her late father as VP of Finance and eventually accepted the position of CEO – a role she still holds today.

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