hot selling Eastman DOM plasticizer

  • hot selling Eastman DOM plasticizer
  • hot selling Eastman DOM plasticizer
  • hot selling Eastman DOM plasticizer
  • Does Eastman offer polymeric plasticizers?
  • Eastman also offers a comprehensive range of polymeric plasticizers for use in applications that require very low plasticizer migration and/or extended product durability. Discover how our plasticizers can expand your capabilities today.
  • What is Eastman DOP plasticizer?
  • Home ... Eastmanâ„¢ DOP Plasticizer (Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate) is a light colored, low volatility, odorless liquid. It is the most widely used all-purpose plasticizer offered by Eastmanâ„¢ for use with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resins. It is insoluble in water and has a viscosity of 56 cP at 25°C.
  • What are the benefits of Eastman plasticizers?
  • Eastman’s plasticizers provide important benefits, including good fusion profiles, low-temperature flexibility and excellent heat stability, for both general-purpose and specialty applications.
  • What is Eastman TOTM plasticizer?
  • View technical datasheet of Eastman TOTM plasticizer. It is a plasticizer used in applications where low volatility is of supreme importance.
  • Do you need a reliable plasticizer manufacturer?
  • From homes and cars to the office and children's toys, plasticizers are in countless products. They enhance product flexibility and performance, providing added value. However, when it comes to your application, you need more than just any plasticizer. You need a reliable plasticizer manufacturer.

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