Import Data and Price of pvc plasticizer dop under HS Code 29173920 Yemen

  • Import Data and Price of pvc plasticizer dop under HS Code 29173920 Yemen
  • Import Data and Price of pvc plasticizer dop under HS Code 29173920 Yemen
  • Import Data and Price of pvc plasticizer dop under HS Code 29173920 Yemen
  • How much does DOP dioctyl phthalate cost?
  • Average import price for dop dioctyl phthalate under Sub Chapter 2917 was $1.02. Please use filters at the bottom of the page to view and select unit type. You may also use the analysis page to view month wise price information. There are 52 exporters of dop dioctyl phthalate .
  • Why was DOP demand limited in the USA's manufacturing plasticizer sectors?
  • The limited DOP demand in the USA's manufacturing plasticizer sectors was a result of a slow economic recovery and stagnant trading conditions in relevant segments. In anticipation of a price hike due to a new import tariff, buyers temporarily suspended their purchasing activities during this period.
  • How many exporters of DOP dioctyl phthalate?
  • There are 52 exporters of dop dioctyl phthalate . This information is derived from data obtained from US Customs Department. There are 40 importers of dop dioctyl phthalate . This information is derived from data obtained from US Customs Department. DOP (DIOCTYL PHTHALATE) (FOR MFG OF CABLE) (MFRG:AKEYUNG PETROCHEMICAL CO., LTD.)
  • How is the DOP market influenced by the PVC sector?
  • The DOP market is highly influenced by the downstream PVC sector, which is used as a key housing factor in the construction industry. The construction sector was growing in Europe amidst an increase in sales for in-built houses. Due to the rising prices for rental houses, consumers' enthusiasm towards the houses is hampering sales.
  • What is the price of dioctyl phthalate (DOP) FOB Busan in South Korea?
  • The latest price of Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) FOB Busan in South Korea for December 2023 is USD 1500/MT. Europe The DOP prices in the European market exhibited an overall decline in the fourth quarter of 2023. European DOP traders and manufacturers were primarily focused on the reduced demand from the downstream Plasticizer and construction industry.
  • Why did the dioctyl phthalate (DOP) price fluctuate in 2022?
  • Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) price in North America displayed fluctuating market sentiments in the final quarter of 2022. Due to fluctuating feedstock costs for phthalic anhydride and 2-Ethyl Hexanol, as well as altering demand from downstream plasticizer producers of synthetic rubber, the price trend for DOP changed.

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