plasticizer Suppliers Manufacturers Pakistan

  • plasticizer Suppliers Manufacturers Pakistan
  • plasticizer Suppliers Manufacturers Pakistan
  • plasticizer Suppliers Manufacturers Pakistan
  • Who is Mehran plastic industries?
  • Karachi – Pakistan. Mehran Plastic Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. established in 1988, the company started with a vision to manufacture and market the best products to customers and become the best packaging company.
  • Who is IJ plastic industries?
  • Reach out & our team will serve you How did you hear about us?
  • IJ Plastic Industries PVT. LTD. takes pride in being the leading supplier of plastic packaging solutions to national & multinational industry.
  • What is a plastic manufacturing company?
  • The company started on June 19, 1988 as a Plastic manufacturing company, with the main objective to set up an industrial undertaking for manufacturing of plastic products according to the requirement of customer.
  • Who makes ATS plasticizers?
  • ATS chemical division produces a wide range of plasticizers specifically used by Rubber, PVC wires, Shoes, Inks, Coating and Plastics Industry. With a designed capacity of over 35,000 TPA, the superior technology added with greater expertise of our team makes our plasticizers best in the market in terms of quality, clarity and purity.
  • What is Mughal plastics?
  • Our main products are wall clocks, Kitchen wares House wares, Food Products, Industrial goods, decoration items and so on. Mughal Plastics is the permanent member of Plastic Association of Pakistan and the Chief Executive Muhammad Iqbal Mughal performed his duties as a president of this association.
  • Why did Mughal plastics become a pioneer in plastic injection molding?
  • Taking advantage of highly usage of plastic products in Pakistan and the successful marketing by the Mughal Plastics, company became a pioneer in the field of manufacturing plastics and specially understanding the complexities in the filed of plastic injection molding.

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