Third generation high-efficiency super plasticizer (SPP-Plast America

  • Third generation high-efficiency super plasticizer (SPP-Plast America
  • Third generation high-efficiency super plasticizer (SPP-Plast America
  • Third generation high-efficiency super plasticizer (SPP-Plast America
  • Which super plasticizer is best for high performance concrete?
  • Multicarboxylatether: For the production of high performance concrete new generation super plasticizer named multicarboxylatether (MCE) is found more effective. The properties of these super plasticizers are found as follows: 1. The water reduction is found high. 2. At low water/cement ratio their flow ability is found excellent.
  • What is a super plasticizer?
  • Classification of Super Plasticizers 3. Uses. Super plasticizers are also called high range water reducers. They are of recent origin and relatively are more effective type water reducing admixtures. They were developed in Japan and Germany during 1960 and 1970 respectively. Chemically they are different from normal plasticizers.
  • What is the best superplasticizer?
  • Powered by Viscocrete®Mid range superplasticizer and long slump keeping Sika® ViscoCrete®-385 Powered by Viscocrete® Mid range superplasticizer and long slump keeping Sika® ViscoCrete®-386 Powered by ViscoCrete® High-efficient superplasticizer Sika® ViscoCrete®-900 NT 3rd Generation Low-Mid Range Superplasticizer Sika® ViscoCrete®-3100 P2
  • How a super plasticizer can be used to make concrete?
  • With the use of super plasticizers, flowing concrete could be produced with the water/cement ratio as low as 0.25 or even less. The strength of such concrete was found 120 MPa (1200 kg/cm 2) or more. The use of super plasticizers also made it possible to use the fly ash, slag and silica fume to produce high quality concrete.
  • What is a superplasticizer?
  • Ty p i c a l l y, within the differe n t t y p e s , superplasticizers are salts of sulfonated melamine-form a l d e - h y de condensates (melamine), salts of sulfonated naphthalene- f o rm a l d e h y de condensates (naph- thalene), or lignosulfides. Mo s t H R WRs used in cast-in-place con- c r ete today are naphthalenes.
  • How to save superplasticizers?
  • This method is considered to save superplasticizers. Experience and observation have shown that the incorporation of a certain amount of retarding agent at the time of mixing the concrete along with the superplasticizer can help in solving the slump loss problem that is faced by the the producer.

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